Your Generosity Makes an Eternal Impact


Practical Help. Spiritual Hope. Eternal Impact.


Be part of the Great Commission in Eastern Europe!

Your generosity allows the Gospel to be extended through our national partners who are using various ministry avenues to reach people in Eastern Europe with the hope found in knowing Christ.

In some of the regions where we work, only 2% of the population are Evangelical Christians. Few have heard of Jesus or read the Bible for themselves. Your gift is an eternal investment.



Thanks for your partnership in the Gospel!

By donating, you become part of the Summit Community. You will receive ministry updates about our national partners and people in Eastern Europe who are being helped by your support, along with a tax-deductible receipt. 

Summit Missions International seeks to be faithful stewards of all the resources the Lord provides for our ministry. We understand our accountability to Him and to our donors. See our commitment to financial integrity.



Impact future generations through Required Minimum Distributions

If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make gifts directly from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to Summit Missions International without paying federal income tax on the withdrawal. Your gift can be used to meet your IRA required minimum distribution (RMD). Contact your plan administrator and tell them you would like to make a charitable donation from your IRA. They can supply you with a distribution form. Checks are them sent directly to Summit Missions International through your plan.



I’m Ready to make my gift!

Click to Securely Pay with PayPal or a Credit Card

If you prefer to give by check, please make your check payable to Summit Missions and mail it to:
Summit Missions International, PO Box 638, Green, OH 44232-0638