Knowing God

Practical Help. Spiritual Hope. Eternal Impact.


Thank you for visiting the Summit Missions’ website.

Before you leave, can we ask you a question, the most important question you have ever been asked?

Do you know God? We mean, do you know God personally and intimately? 

He invites you to know Him. He truly loves you and wants to be your Savior, Lord, and best friend.

God loves you and has a plan for your life. He wants you to experience peace and abundant, eternal life.

“We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1b

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Do you want to know God? It is as easy as “A-B-C-D”.

A – Admit that you have sinned, and as a result, you are separated from God.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

B- Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died on a cross and shed His blood as full payment for your sin, and that He arose from the dead and lives forever

“Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” John 11:27

“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5 

C- Confess to God

  1. That you are a sinner and that you repent of your sins
  2. That you believe Jesus died for your sins
  3. That you invite Jesus to be your personal Savior

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9


Lord Jesus, I know I am and sinner and need your forgiveness.  Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. Amen.


  1. That you are now saved, born again, a new creation in Christ
  2. That you are now a child of God and a member of His family
  3. That you will live to please God.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, the old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

If you have questions about Summit Missions or decided to follow Christ, please let us know. We want to talk to you about growing in your relationship with Christ.  Contact SMI