Serve alongside our national ministry partners who are impassioned about reaching their countries for Christ!
There are diverse opportunities to serve, share the Gospel, experience a new culture, and meet community needs. This is an opportunity to help bring people in Eastern Europe to a Summit Meeting with Jesus. The teams may work at orphanages, help lead and teach classes, construct or remodel buildings, teach English, take part in outreaches, and many other projects.
Summit Missions is looking for mature believers who have had a personal salvation experience and are interested in sharing the good news of Christ with others. Christ commissioned believers to “Go and make disciples of all nations” in His name (Matthew 28:19-20). Summit Missions International carries out this command by seeking to meet the physical and spiritual needs of individuals desperate for hope and salvation.
The goals of short-term trips are to:
If you are interested in our mission trips, please fill out this form and we will contact you with more information.
Summit Missions International
PO Box 638
Green, OH 44232
(330) 896-9300 Email:
[email protected]